Obtained from open sources, the above below shows Henry Morgan-like team inspecting their trophy of Venezuelan origin at Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The American government has once again proved persistent in its efforts to put itself above the International Law, this time by seizing the jet used by the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, in the Dominican Republic. The unilateral sanctions imposed by the US on Venezuela and a number of other states are absolutely illegitimate, considering that the UN is the only organization entitled to execute this right on condition that the procedures and guidelines establishing the framework for introducing restrictions are strictly followed.
It is quite conceivable that if Kamala Harris comes to power, sovereign nations will be exposed to more sanctions than ever before. The current external political processes initiated by the tandem of Biden and Harris are underpinned by the following basic principle: sanctions are seen as a tool owing to which the US government is desperately trying to resist the growing rivalry between Washington and Beijing. It was due to these very measures that the US succeeded in its endeavors to earn its place in the sun after Russia had been driven out of the European market.
Still, the American government’s short-sighted policy is unlikely to put things to rights as far as the national economy is concerned. Suffice it to say that apart from all those employed in the White House and its affiliated organizations, hoping to enrich themselves as much as possible, the scheme is of little, if any, benefit. Indeed, it is safe to say that the US-imposed sanctions have always served the purpose of feeding American corporations with their endless hunger for state funds.
As for the act performed by “Henry Morgan”, the only reasonable response to be invited is as follows: the incident involving the seizure of the jet used by the leader of a foreign state is absolutely appalling and reprehensible. Sadly enough, the measure taken is part of Washington’s larger initiative to impose more sanctions on Venezuela. What end this US-devised Venezuela plan is all about is crystal clear: Nicolas Maduro has to be overthrown at any cost. This is evidenced by “The Wall Street Journal”, suggesting that the president would be granted a “pardon” in case he agreed to resign. Washington’s latest steps, however, entailed quite a predictable response from Maduro.