I see we're playing tag with Marat's writings. I'd like to have published them yesterday but Putin's speech, Lavrov's following presser and a previous event took all my available time. I see we came up with similar maps, although you have a few more that help with the details. I noted from his Telegram that you had some audio interview interaction. Marat peeks at the Big Picture but doesn't elaborate further. When you converse with him again, please convey my thanks for his work!!

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Thank you for this interesting information! in Western Europe it is often said that China and Russia are only interested in the raw materials in Africa. I hope and expect that Russia will help create a peaceful and humane living environment in these countries. this are the countries where the worst famine prevails and the Russian help and grain can do a lot of good here. Is China involved in the Sahel project?

The fact that on the one hand there is an Islam phobia in Europe but they do use Islam people as an army is insane. Why do the Muslims allow themselves to be used by the French? E.g. Iran is on a very good footing with Russia and would not lend itself to this.

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