Great Article - Спасибо --Yep, I ran into 3 guys from Finland in Istanbul a few months ago and they were feeling brave about taking on Russia - after a few beers, at a Kafe' I frequent. I didn't tell them that I started working in Ukraine in 08 and retired there in 2012 - and still live in " Old Ukraine " until they stopped "Dreaming". Then after I told them I was in the Американский Army and was in those famous Southeast Asia War Games from 70 - 71 they started listening to this old man. They were doubting everything until I pulled out my - Pass Ports.

Then explained that Russia doesn't have any reason to come to Finland and fight , unless you give them one and , by the way, why did you guys vote to let in all those refugees and immigrants into your nice country.? The subject quickly changed to those no good immigrants and Russia - was off the hook . For awhile anyways.

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The propaganda apparatus of the western bankster vassal states may convince their populations, but frontline Ukrainians, citizens undergoing privation, probably not.

Based on Afghanistan the US has decided to replace its service rifle with a more expensive and heavier piece of kit; in the scheme of modern war does that make effective use of resources - I'd say not. As for these monster tanks they were mostly designed to counter Soviet weapons of the seventies and eighties, so there's no excuse about not being optimised for use in Eastern Europe.

No, the main weapon of the west is subversion, corruption/bribery, to be deployed as sanctions and colour revolutions. Russia is the lesson of what happens when plan A fails; no colour revolution and sanctions failures. Wall St/City of London have effectively destroyed the combined west's military capabilities and no focus groups, summits, or BBB type plan will fix that.

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