Livestream coming up with Scott Ritter and Col in reserve Vladimir Trukhan!
Please submit questions for our guests!
Good day to everyone,
I'm pleased to announce that, Monday, February 3rd, we at East Calling will be hosting both the former weapons-inspector Scott Ritter and the Russian Col. In reserve Vladimir Trukhan! You won't get a better opportunity to ask these two experts your questions, and now you will be able to get answers from both of them while they are speaking together on the same stream! I do ask that you keep questions brief without adding too much background. We look forward to speaking to Scott and Vladimir live.
We will update you with the time later, but as of now, we know it will likely be sometime around the morning on the East Coast of the USA (New York City time).
Please submit questions as a comment to this post!
Thank you!
Dates are a kittle confusing. Is it Saturday Feb or Mon Feb 3? And do yiu have a tine?
Question for Scott Ritter:
What does Ukraine look like — politically, economically, geopolitically — in 3-5 years, assuming peace/surrender is negotiated and it only loses five of its former regions? Is it a militarily neutral state with political ties to the EU? Is it aligned with Russia and BRICS+ akin to the Belarus of today? Does it no longer exist as a state altogether, but further broken up into smaller statelets, the fate of which remains uncertain? What does your crystal ball tell you?