What does Ukraine look like — politically, economically, geopolitically — in 3-5 years, assuming peace/surrender is negotiated and it only loses five of its former regions? Is it a militarily neutral state with political ties to the EU? Is it aligned with Russia and BRICS+ akin to the Belarus of today? Does it no longer exist as a state altogether, but further broken up into smaller statelets, the fate of which remains uncertain? What does your crystal ball tell you?
QUESTION FOR MESSRS RITTER AND TRUKHAN: " Gentlemen, the kill-ratio when Operation Barbarossa began in 1941 was 16:1 against the Red Army, and only reached parity in the closing months of the War. The kill ratio in Ukraine is 10:1 against Ukraine. We know why the reasons for Barbarossa's ratio (Stalin's purges, and his extreme disdain for life). Arte there any other reason for the present 10:1 ratio than the ratio of artillery-fires?
The other thing that's remarkable, and that REALLY ought to be brought out,
are the civilian/soldier kill-ratios: that in most wars it's about 1:1 (one civilian killed for every soldier KIA), in recent 'offensive' NATO actions it's been an about 7:1 (largely die to the American's predilection for distance-blasting, which is indiscriminate), but in the SMO it's apparently 1:6 (that is, six soldiers for every civilian) which is remarkable, unprecendented, and shows how very careful the Russians have been, and how cynical the Ukrainians
Hi my question to both is: Russia seems to be conducting a limited warfare operation that intends not to cross the 4 oblast frontiers of Donetszk, Luhansk, Zaporijia and Kharkiv. According to the forces developed on the ground, would you say Russia remains committed with this limited objective or could be expanding its operations further into Ukraine? Thanks in advance and regards
Dates are a kittle confusing. Is it Saturday Feb or Mon Feb 3? And do yiu have a tine?
Mon February 3rd
Dumb ass typo! 😂. A’kittle confusing’ should read ‘a little confusing’
Darn, thanks for letting me know about that. I fixed the post. However, we don't have a time yet. But we will soon, and I'll update the post then.
Question for Scott Ritter:
What does Ukraine look like — politically, economically, geopolitically — in 3-5 years, assuming peace/surrender is negotiated and it only loses five of its former regions? Is it a militarily neutral state with political ties to the EU? Is it aligned with Russia and BRICS+ akin to the Belarus of today? Does it no longer exist as a state altogether, but further broken up into smaller statelets, the fate of which remains uncertain? What does your crystal ball tell you?
QUESTION FOR MESSRS RITTER AND TRUKHAN: " Gentlemen, the kill-ratio when Operation Barbarossa began in 1941 was 16:1 against the Red Army, and only reached parity in the closing months of the War. The kill ratio in Ukraine is 10:1 against Ukraine. We know why the reasons for Barbarossa's ratio (Stalin's purges, and his extreme disdain for life). Arte there any other reason for the present 10:1 ratio than the ratio of artillery-fires?
If we don't get to it tomorrow, we have another stream with Trukhan thursday!
The other thing that's remarkable, and that REALLY ought to be brought out,
are the civilian/soldier kill-ratios: that in most wars it's about 1:1 (one civilian killed for every soldier KIA), in recent 'offensive' NATO actions it's been an about 7:1 (largely die to the American's predilection for distance-blasting, which is indiscriminate), but in the SMO it's apparently 1:6 (that is, six soldiers for every civilian) which is remarkable, unprecendented, and shows how very careful the Russians have been, and how cynical the Ukrainians
Hi my question to both is: Russia seems to be conducting a limited warfare operation that intends not to cross the 4 oblast frontiers of Donetszk, Luhansk, Zaporijia and Kharkiv. According to the forces developed on the ground, would you say Russia remains committed with this limited objective or could be expanding its operations further into Ukraine? Thanks in advance and regards