Even from half-a-world away, we from the Caribbean, who remain conscious of our miserable, unbroken oppression for over 400 years by European colonialism succeeded by the economic and mental slavery of the American Empire, are literally in awe of the Russian people. They exemplify that no cost is too great to defend their Motherland from ever being taken over by any of the Western Empires either directly or via mindless proxies like Ukraine. You guys are a true example to oppressed peoples and nations everywhere.

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Thank you for exposing the truth. In reality we are all oppressed but many of us don’t realize it. You described the situation perfectly.

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We all suffer under the oppressive yoke of zionism in the West! May this be the year it goes in the bin of history!

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If this war was a boxing contest the referee would have stopped the fight in Round 1 or the loser's corner would have thrown in the towel. Now we're approaching Round 4 despite the loser being on life-support. Sickening!!!!

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Yes, but the Empire makes losers of us all. Look what they did to Europe with Germany's permission, it's craven. Ukraine and Syrians and Lebanese and Africans and Latin America and many more have been trampled like a threadbare rugs into the Empire's Fighting Ring.

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Thanks Ellen

My take is the biggest losers in Empire are Americans themselves (much like we Brits overextending ourselves from 1940 onwards). Their grip on power ($$$ hegemony) is unravelling faster than an old hookers pantyhose. Remember we're talking about the political and corporate elite here who have invested a vast amount of resources in dumbing down their citizens, cradle to grave. As reality dawns many have taken the easy option of escape, opiates or is it opioids? Most of their workers are dependent on Tips, one rung above street beggars.

Regarding the countries you mention, Ukraine (it's not a real country, some weird construct). Western Ukraine, Banderite country, full of descendants of Nazi collaborators, whom the CIA have spent 6/7 decades financing, training, hoping for this day, well a crack at Russia. We can toss fascist remnants from the Baltics into the mix here also. If Russia wasn't so weak in the 80's/90's then they would have dealt with this scum, but alas it was allowed to fester in plain sight.

Regarding Syria, it has never been a united country, too many factions and ripe for American and Arab, Zionist & Turk regional exploitation, exacerbated admittedly by draconian sanctions of the West.

Africa, my strongest suit, I'll linger on this another day, but the Christian missionaries & Muslim emissaries did a real hatchet job on this continent, for obvious reasons, its resources. The game of beggar thy neighbour was easy with so many tribes with their own local customs, ripe for exploitation.

I thought that Sovereign Independence in the 1960's and the end of Apartheid in South Africa (the illusion of) would bring about real change, but imperial, selective assassinations (as Bob Marley sang, how long shall they kill our Prophets while we stand aside and look . . . ) done for them; greedy and cowardly leadership didn't help their cause either. I said I wouldn't linger, however, I must mention that when I visit a Christian home in southern Nigeria and see a white man with long hair adorned on their mantlepiece or wall or in the North, Muhammad , I want to weep for the man with no feet, not shoes.

Encouraging though is Gen Z with their readily available access to technology, fearless spirit and importantly geopolitical alternatives, as witness the Russian flags at every demonstration, an unstoppable realignment is occurring with western puppet leaders living every day in fear.

Traore in Burkina Faso (10 assassination attempts in 2 years), his Sahel Alliance with neighbours in Mali & Niger, evicting the French & US, breaking the ECOWAS ankle bracelets, with others to follow in Chad, Senegal ++++ the dominoes are falling with severe economic consequences for an already beleaguered Europe.

The common thread here is that the 'perceived' power of the Empire is/was only that; could only hold firm if their puppets could stomp with jack-boots on the necks of their citizens forever. I'd wager now that in 20 years educated Europeans will flock to Africa (and Asia of course, I tell my daughter to forget French, Spanish & German; Chinese, Russian & Farsi is the future, not that she listens, yet) for employment as BRICS + invest heavily in the continent.

Sorry, what was the question again? lol

Oh yeah, the PARTY is almost over for the western elite, so chin up, their flotilla has run aground up shit-creek. The stench of decay here in Londinium approaching that of The Great Plague.

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If we had a defence minister like that au canada! Instead of the miserable hypocrite and fascist lover that we have. Thank you to every Russian who is fighting yo keep the world safe for humanity and all living beings except the super rich and powerful who direct this conflict. Forever grateful for your collective sense of protectivrness.

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God Bless Russia! God Bless the Russian soldiers fighting fascism, fighting for all our tomorrows, whether we realize it and appreciate it or not.

The west is morally dead. And if not dead - catatonic. Aren't there prophecies that say Russia is the salvation of mankind? The older I get and the more I look at the debauchery and the moral depravity across the western world, the more I am convinced of the truth of that.

It's easy to become melancholy in such times. Instead, may I encourage you all to seek the peace and salvation of Jesus Christ for 2025 and beyond. “My yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). "Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love." (2 John 1:3)

God Bless you all. Peace and happiness to you and your families.

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