Every attack on Russia by the "main stream" Western media just further diminishes what miniscule shred of integrity they have left (if any at this point)! The complete Zionist control over the West, and especially the USA Congress, is disgusting and detrimental to all that is good in the world! Hopefully all eyes are open now and Zionism goes the way of the dinosaur. It will be a much better world w/o the genocidal, parasitic, criminal Zionists in it!

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"Cara" - no one falling for your land mine. You need to immediately F off & F ALL Zionist Terrorists/Ukranian Nazis!!

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there is reality and then there is fiction... the western msm excels at fiction, with very little to show with reality.. remember how russia is running out of weapons? and that was a few years ago! anyone with half a brain ought to be able to see thru the bs, but surprisingly the pundit class, who are really the servants for imparting a warped sense of reality - are always the first to get the gig at the media outlets!

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It is very easy to create & control the narrative when ALL the legacy MSM outlets are owned by 6 Zionist companies! Fortunately, no sane person believes a word they say as they've all now been exposed for the criminal scum they are!!

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Only when Russia can match/better the US Governments $1.2 Trillion annual Interest payment on debt can it be taken seriously. SARC

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If they removed the diaper from the bottom of the Stawk Meerkat we'd witness an avalanche/eruption of molten piss and shit. All of their exotic financial paper products & instruments including T-bills are worthless.

Yes this House of Cards, America's only latent successful version of hypersonic technology to date, this boondoggle, this OMG, when it blows, it will render Oreshnik & RS-28 Sarmat (Satan 2) obsolete.

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Understand that the western nations 1st world nations my ass just look around vast majority of western nations are shit holes be happy what you have in Russia. I'm doing better then most but looking around sad state of affairs. Idiot's should be rioting demanding more from there western governments but pure laziness.

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Personally I never take the slightest notice of such prognoses, it's just propaganda fluff to fill up the Western corporate media because they refuse to print any real news about the West.

It seems to me like a drowning man pointing to someone on the bank comfortably sitting in front of a fire surrounded by a forest, triumphantly shouting that any minute now they're going to run out of wood to burn even as the tides pull them down.

It was the treatment in the media of Corbyn - and Bernie to a lesser extent - that completed the path started with the lies to invade Iraq; now there is nothing left in any of the corporate media (Incl the BBC) that is not simply jingoism.

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There is a big reason why the West is in a huge mess which is mainly down to Neoliberalism, as practised as if were a religion by people who having virtually destroyed their own economies, yet have the arrogance to lecture others on how to keep their houses in order. it's also wishful thinking as they grasp with white knuckles at the ever dwindling hope of once again looting the so called Gas station masquerading as a country in order to save their sorry asses.

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Thank you Marat and especially Zinderneuf, the updated data cited makes perfect sense albeit the analysis is rudimentary but underscores the fallacy of the arguments you put forth, the points you highlight.

Like yourselves I to am completely over the wanton lies, mistruths, the outright fraudulent, the litany of these ridiculous claims about Russia that permeates all classes of Western Mainstream Media.

However I take solace in the fact that despite their wishful thinking these media outlets, especially those in the U.S, U.K, France and Germany being those I am most familiar with are so wide of the mark in their reporting that it has become laughable that anybody takes them seriously.

Certainly given the decline in advertising revenues resulting from a declining readership in the case of print media and subscription with regards televised media that has resulted in viewership being seriously compromised in virtually all of these now… loss making and what had once been looked upon supposedly as being a first rate investment, the latest fad, a must have accoutrement for billionaires, listed corporations, private equity and or investment management entities all buying into and owning or having controlling interests in the various media.

Indeed, who cares, I say, they are fast becoming irrelevant with social media having picked up the cudgel and responsibility for truth telling that these media outlets abrogated so long ago.

The zeal with which these losers and more especially the loathsome fools employed by them who engage in what can primarily be said to be a media comprised of and which is chock full of works of fiction, the imagined realities of those to whom they are beholden, who write their paychecks, works of their wishful thinking and of the fanciful is telling.

To that end I no longer pay any attention to anything they print, that is reported, spoken, or published by them… they have bought it all upon themselves and thus are responsible for their own downward trajectory into true irrelevance, which brings me to the next point, that being how hilarious it is and has been to watch these tools realise especially post the Nov 6 U.S Presidential election as to said decline in statute and relevance, the layoffs, proposed sales accelerated as owners come to realise their loss of relevance, of no longer being front and centre.

Unfortunately for Russia they have not managed to formulate policy that would overcome the attacks to which they are subject, however I can say that there exists a gilt means by which the narrative could swing back in the Western press to favour Russia… advertising, if the Russian Federation was to contract to spend with selected Western outlets much needed Advertising revenue… read.. in the present reality these media entities are confronting…that strong advertising contracts equate to a much needed lifeline, the difference between survival or losing big money, worse, going out of business.. that in doing such using a proxy … someone in the West to negotiate and arrange such a contract, that your advertising in essence as we all came to realise during the U.S DoD Scamdemic, big Pharma controlled media narrative by virtue of the advertising revenues spent, no reason the Russian Federation could not demand for advertising revenues favourable copy and reporting favourable to the Russian Federation is the quid pro quo… either that or at the fire sale prices some of these entities are to be offered to the market at.. think MSNBC, again via a proxy, the Russian Federation could de facto buy and own Western Media… a stealth move that overtime would ensure the control required yet so lacking to the Russian Federation, BRICS+ and those comprising the Global Majority would be able to be assured their message and narrative is heard…

Whilst Western media is a loss for present owners, under such an arrangement for the aforementioned beneficiaries the takeout and real win would be in finally owning the entity that espouses the narrative, thereby finally controlling the narrative…

There would be plenty in the West sympathetic to the media plight, the lack of honesty and truthful reporting, who are like me sick and tired of being exposed to an orchestrated contrived narrative built upon falsehoods, outright lies, fabrications, the works of fiction that The Russian Federation, its allies, BRICS+, The Global South nations, who would be more than willing to be the proxy holding in trust the ownership of such entities.. play them at their own game, take them on, I assure you, introduce the one ingredient into any such acquisition that Western readers, audiences and subscribers crave… namely truthful, honest and fact based reporting and not only would you regain your readership, audience and subscribers but in all likelihood turn profit… now.. how hard is that… simple when you think about it, time for The Russian Federation, its allies, BRICS+, The Global South nations to take control of their own narrative and Western media exposure… just saying.

Kia Kaha from New Zealand

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Great report! Thanks to you all. Just for interest also of course is the "overstretched China".

Every day "Inside China Business" is a few minutes of news by Kevin Walmsley who is from Florida but lives and works in China, and has excellent information on China vs US successes (!!) Quick, well explained, easy to follow. Try it!!!

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Thank you for your analysis.

The West and especially Europe is in deep economic crisis with no possible easy solutions available. The US does have resources and provided they limit their imperialistic overstretch and the related overspending they have the potential to do better. Europeans on the other hand lack resources and having lost the Russian cheap energy and the Russian export market are in a free fall. Add to this the utopist Green Agenda and the collapse is guaranteed. As it is the law in nature, the weak are the first to be preyed upon and this is the case with the dominant predator the US who will scavenge upon everything worthy in Europe such as the remaining industrial base, expert workforce, etc. for their own benefit. Forcing the Europeans to buy expensive US oil and LNG and ultra expensive US weaponry will drain the last drops of wealth out of the prey. This is why desperation has skyrocketed and heinous envy against Russia is manifested in such unsubstantiated propaganda of imminent Russian bankruptcy. We, Europeans are doomed...

I wish you Merry Christmas and a peaceful, prosperous new year!

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Yeah, was running out men and missiles etc etc... Western Propaganda is second to none, always has been always will be.

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Excellent report. Its pointless to compare stats and BS economic forecasts from the MSM media. Its pure fiction. The empire is declining, that is a reality ask the people living in the west what they are experiencing to get an honest undertanding. Russia has been the most ever sanctioned country and is still standing the rouble is not rubble the economy has grown a lot more than the west admits. They simply cannot accept they have failed in every war since WW2. Arrogance and hubris that has become a religious, insane belief and ideology that still persists. When faced with a better than peer military force this will always be the result. Lie about every thing day in and out, projection of economic collapse militaty defeat and all the rest. That is all they have to report on. Empty tins make the loudest noise.

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The West is hoping that over time Russia will become weaker as they planned for at the beginning of the SMO. As many a wise person has said hope is not a strategy.

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