Christ I wish my country was good and intelligent, friendly, sensible, humane and an asset to the world. All my life I believed it was. All my life. Until this last few years... maybe since the twin towers, that's when it all began to crumble... look at it now... we support systematic wholesale deliberate murder of women and children.... and that's merely the latest example of what we do.... what's next I don't know... maybe they'll arrest me for saying only this....

And the biggest hurt? The saddest thing? It couldn't be like this if we the people hadn't let it, don't continue to let it....

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Don't kid yourself. I went to jail and lost it all to speak out, all it did was get me killed by the likes of ScKamala and Gruesome

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I don't get it. You're telling me not to kid myself? Or there's a mixup, you're not addressing me?

If you are addressing me then where could I kid myself? We are the people. In the usa there's about 350 million. In europe about 700 million and so on. There's a handful of lunatics saying all these lunatic things must be done. But they don't do them. We do. Of course.

To each other.

It was ever thus. And it still is.

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Don't be so NEG Comrade Grasshopper.

NEG is what Group Commander called me at the insurance company where I started my first 'proper' job.

. . . . .but Commander, I left a cushy job scratching my ass all day at a Local Government/Authority in the Accounts Dept, thinking up good ideas on how further to screw Joe/Jane Public via another TAX.

Commander, I make 50 calls a day but the 'class' of people I know much prefer to spend/invest their hard-earned in the Dog & Duck & Four Feathers Public Houses on ale and merriment.

The commissions I did make on policies sold I've had to return, delinquent. I haven't eaten a good meal in months and my landlady has given me 3 days notice to vacate my bedsit.

Commander, I know we've got some of the finest grifters working here, flogging exotic financial packages to trusting 'marks/dupes' but I can no longer play that 3-card-Monte buy 2 get a 3rd for double the price Ponzi scheme.

No, sorry Commander, there a Night-Shift job going at 7 Eleven and a Day-Shift at Amazon. If I put in the graft, bring down the interest on my student loans, with the help of these prescription pills I'll have my head above water in about 15 years.

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I've known what my own government was from a very young age. I'm now nearly 60, I've witnessed my own government do more destruction to my fellow citizens for standards of living for decades. I stopped pointing these realities out over 20 years ago to most people. Only a close circle of lifelong friends know & agree the real situation. It's been constant lies, corruption, political scandal one after another. I find it absolutely staggering the amount of people that are still totally brain washed. Despite the the thousands of incidents to prove how stupid they are. I've been a huge outspoken supporter of Russia & it's President for a very long time. Which had caused a lot of controversy even with some family members. It gives me no pleasure to say I told you so. I'd much rather the brain dead brain washed masses would wake up to reality.

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Interesting that you bring up the family issue. I thank you for raising this issue because I deal with it every day and it feels very lonely. I am canadian (american lite) and I have a sister who has lived in southern california for years. She was completely apolitical until trump was elected. Then she lost her mind. She is like a Democrat MAGA. Refuses to admit that Biden was a disaster. Believes Trump and Putin are ‘close friends’. I told her that if anything, that was trump’s delusion. For reasons of her own, she is deranged by the inevitable blow back against the woke agenda. But won’t admit that. Can’t even commiserate w her on Trump because even the name sends her into hysterics. It seems odd to me because I have no problem pointing out how horrible every canadian political party is. Thanks for sharing

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I lost friends and family to the same issue

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I sadly must agree with arthur brogard. I am Australian but living in Macron's France so feel fully separated from the sort of reality I would like and support but I can only find online.

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You can't fix stupid or the neoliberal economists who appear to have little understanding of the fundamentals of supply & demand, who likely tell the goons running the show in the West what they think their paymasters want to hear.

Starmer & his 100 year security guarantee or whatever with Ukraine - it would be hilarious if it were not tragic as in all of these Western power junkie ideologues achieve is to hurt their own populations who really need to fully wake the fuck up.

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The economics is transparent - there are merciless Looters in charge of the collective west and its policies

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Even someone with an IQ of 90 (IQ range between 90 -110 is considered as average) who has the basic arithmetic toolkit can easily see why sanctions overplay cannot be effective after a certain point but, could and would backfire. What is important is definitely not the amount of the sanctioned goods that are traded but the resulting total revenue that is the product of the quantity multiplied by the unit price. And as it is common knowledge the price is related to the demand and supply. All the oil producing countries, Russia included do prefer throttled production of this limited resource for a much higher price when the demand is not only steady but increasing.

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What else will these megalomaniacs continue doing. How many more sanctions and how many more countries and when will this forever wars stop. Too many lives have been lost the killing of innocents still go on, its like living under the third reich cloaked in all the BS these psychos with the help of the MSM propagate.

We have finally arrived at an inflection point lets hope the proletariat finally awakens. When this happens like every empire before this they will be toppled too.

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Yes, an illwgit gangrapeganggatester signs a contract for a hundread years with a cocaine freak that hasn't been legit for years and isn't worth the paper they wiped their asses with after signing

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