"It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis".
20 years on though the Machine of Mean's unravelling like an old hooker's pantyhose.
In economic terms, the law of diminishing returns.
The Party's almost over with behemoths like Blackrock-Vanguard, the more traditional empirical bloodsucking leach Crown Houses of Windsor & Orange/Europe, Papal Rome, losing Hearts & Minds no matter how many propaganda outlets or rent-boy foot-soldiers they employ.
Just look at France in West Africa, siphoning stolen booty into their financial system with the compliance of a small domestic ruling elite. That gravy train has ceased no matter how many faux-terrorists they hire to destabilise a country. The Matabele/Tribes who once threw spears at the Maxim-machine guns of Cecil Rhodes sponsored by Royal Charter of Queen Victoria now have their own specialised Drone centres courtesy of Russia/China.
When all else fails, Bush the Senior, his dumbfuck offspring Bubba Bush and more recently President Trumplethinskin shamelessly sending their envoys to the House of Saud (The Sword & Orb Dance) to bring down the price of OIL, so pathetic, futile, as it's now OPEC +1.
Jalena made some extremely relevant points. She has a strategist mind for sure. The Kursk cauldron is the Russian version of shooting fish in a barrel.
Zinderneuf doesn't seem to me to understand what people like David Axe are doing. "Poorly informed", certainly - often absolutely uninformed. That's beside the point. Those "media" are not in the business of conveying information any more. They are pure propaganda. If a story is untrue, that doesn't matter unless most American civilians see through it. All that counts is that it puts Russia in a bad light and it's "good enough" to fool most of the people most of the time.
Russia China Iran and friends need to arm American adversaries yes even the Mexican cartel. Proxy war against Russia didn't start in 2025 you know that 1948,1949 when CIA's was created almost 1 million Soviets died west America kept arming bandara nazi's so let's arm Mexican cartel to drop 1,16, American airliners maybe then America will think twice when then engage in acts of terrorism. My angle CIA's George soros installed illegal Macedonian COUP government. A culturel genocide against 6mill Macedonians today grandfather born Ohio usa always said lobbyists control America. Family went back to grk occupied Macedonia 🇲🇰 only to be bombed by USA,UK, 1948,1949 ww2 was over in 1945 second only to Soviet union to defeat all nazi's 7out10 were Macedonian partisan fighter's.
"It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis".
- Harold Pinter, Nobel Lecture December 7, 2005.
20 years on though the Machine of Mean's unravelling like an old hooker's pantyhose.
In economic terms, the law of diminishing returns.
The Party's almost over with behemoths like Blackrock-Vanguard, the more traditional empirical bloodsucking leach Crown Houses of Windsor & Orange/Europe, Papal Rome, losing Hearts & Minds no matter how many propaganda outlets or rent-boy foot-soldiers they employ.
Just look at France in West Africa, siphoning stolen booty into their financial system with the compliance of a small domestic ruling elite. That gravy train has ceased no matter how many faux-terrorists they hire to destabilise a country. The Matabele/Tribes who once threw spears at the Maxim-machine guns of Cecil Rhodes sponsored by Royal Charter of Queen Victoria now have their own specialised Drone centres courtesy of Russia/China.
When all else fails, Bush the Senior, his dumbfuck offspring Bubba Bush and more recently President Trumplethinskin shamelessly sending their envoys to the House of Saud (The Sword & Orb Dance) to bring down the price of OIL, so pathetic, futile, as it's now OPEC +1.
Of course Russia is the enemy.
Jalena made some extremely relevant points. She has a strategist mind for sure. The Kursk cauldron is the Russian version of shooting fish in a barrel.
Valued Content; even in light of 2 comments below that = bipolar 1 cent coment
Lol, all in jest
The Empire of Lies & it's collapsing Potemkin narrative.
I would like to know how many of those Americans who quote The Moscow Times know where the Moscow Times is based. Hint: It’s not Moscow.
Zinderneuf doesn't seem to me to understand what people like David Axe are doing. "Poorly informed", certainly - often absolutely uninformed. That's beside the point. Those "media" are not in the business of conveying information any more. They are pure propaganda. If a story is untrue, that doesn't matter unless most American civilians see through it. All that counts is that it puts Russia in a bad light and it's "good enough" to fool most of the people most of the time.
Oh, I understand and agree. But what can I say, I'm trapped in idealism.
Russia China Iran and friends need to arm American adversaries yes even the Mexican cartel. Proxy war against Russia didn't start in 2025 you know that 1948,1949 when CIA's was created almost 1 million Soviets died west America kept arming bandara nazi's so let's arm Mexican cartel to drop 1,16, American airliners maybe then America will think twice when then engage in acts of terrorism. My angle CIA's George soros installed illegal Macedonian COUP government. A culturel genocide against 6mill Macedonians today grandfather born Ohio usa always said lobbyists control America. Family went back to grk occupied Macedonia 🇲🇰 only to be bombed by USA,UK, 1948,1949 ww2 was over in 1945 second only to Soviet union to defeat all nazi's 7out10 were Macedonian partisan fighter's.
Full details wikileaks documents zaev dimitrov soros CIA's working to destroy Macedonia 🇲🇰 within. Only trusted Macedonian source mhrmi.org
William blum killing hope us military CIA's intervention since ww2 over 1982 edition 40 million killed directly by usa intervention. Only God forgives
America dosen't deserve a seat at the table of nations it needs to suffer badly. Zhivko Vanef from banitsa grk occupied Aegean Macedonia 🇲🇰