For the west it forever seems that no low is too low. I guess that when the flak is heavy you're over the target. No consolation to General Kirillov or his family, but I hope that Russia manages to answer in kind.
Between MI6 and the CIA there's no limit to depravity. The neocons are the equivalent of ISIS and their ideology of total US planetary domination means war without limits.
Some two years prior to the outbreak of COVID 19 in Italy and Wuhan, a guest column in Pravda as well as the very informed comments thereto had detailed in length on the American deep state funded project to synthesise novel viruses with potential to produce severely debilitating illness or grave Systematic inflammatory response syndrome involving cytokine storms and the like, with minimal body reaction in form of fever or immune response in the initial days of infection :- a setting which would facilitate unbridled proliferation of the virions uptil the breakpoint when a sudden anf irreversibly lethal cytokine storms would supervene. Afflicted victims will have a hard time securing paid leave owing to paucity of symptoms, but the strain of work during the initial phase of infection will have the effect of rendering the disease essentially incurably fatal in the course of its progression owing to rampant unbridled proliferation of the coronavirus virions which have been especially engineered to evade surveillance from the body's T and B lymphocytes. The Pravda article had mentioned that close to a thousand scientists and ancilliary workers were involved in this germ warfare development project, and that they had been immunised with special vaccines sourced from Switzerland by the DoD as a precaution against inadvertent self infection, and that they had been concealing this fact even from immediate family members but a reality check by measuring their specific antibody levels would give them away. Needless to say, that article was taken down soon after by the usual suspects, Zio-oligarchic American search engines and browsers, which would thenceforth always throw up the false result, "Article not published.".
For the west it forever seems that no low is too low. I guess that when the flak is heavy you're over the target. No consolation to General Kirillov or his family, but I hope that Russia manages to answer in kind.
God rest his soul.
Between MI6 and the CIA there's no limit to depravity. The neocons are the equivalent of ISIS and their ideology of total US planetary domination means war without limits.
Some two years prior to the outbreak of COVID 19 in Italy and Wuhan, a guest column in Pravda as well as the very informed comments thereto had detailed in length on the American deep state funded project to synthesise novel viruses with potential to produce severely debilitating illness or grave Systematic inflammatory response syndrome involving cytokine storms and the like, with minimal body reaction in form of fever or immune response in the initial days of infection :- a setting which would facilitate unbridled proliferation of the virions uptil the breakpoint when a sudden anf irreversibly lethal cytokine storms would supervene. Afflicted victims will have a hard time securing paid leave owing to paucity of symptoms, but the strain of work during the initial phase of infection will have the effect of rendering the disease essentially incurably fatal in the course of its progression owing to rampant unbridled proliferation of the coronavirus virions which have been especially engineered to evade surveillance from the body's T and B lymphocytes. The Pravda article had mentioned that close to a thousand scientists and ancilliary workers were involved in this germ warfare development project, and that they had been immunised with special vaccines sourced from Switzerland by the DoD as a precaution against inadvertent self infection, and that they had been concealing this fact even from immediate family members but a reality check by measuring their specific antibody levels would give them away. Needless to say, that article was taken down soon after by the usual suspects, Zio-oligarchic American search engines and browsers, which would thenceforth always throw up the false result, "Article not published.".
Cthulu awakes.