Fucking makes my blood boil what the Western Globalist Oligarchs are doing to the Civilians via their Brainwashed useful Idiots. I hope Russia makes no concession until the Ukro Nazi State is DE Nazified and Demilitarised.
I will share these war crimes for brain washed idiots to see what's being done in their names. With their taxes, I've known of many of these crimes since Mariupol, it was Patrick Lancaster who made many aware then. As many as possible need to now.
Nuke the lot of them, these people are repugnant, the epitome of evil, recall the events 1943-55/56 by the same Nazi bastards, then in spasmodic events since, followed up their wet dream killing civilians in the Donbas, the incessant shelling, missiles, MLRS, ATACMS, the terrorist attacks at Crocus, Bucha, Odessa The Trade Union Hall fire murders, laughing at those trying to escape, evil is evil, either nuke the lot of them, no mercy, end this filth, this evil or establish a squad to mete out the right justice, hunt them all wherever on the planet they might run to, the worst of it is having to be verbally assaulted by that cross dressing pervert, drug addled illegitimate leader of that shithole Ukraine, from the other shit hole Kiev, listening to him waffle, projecting his and his filth’s criminal behaviour onto Russia, and I haven’t even started on the Russian soldiers his scum have done the most despicable things to on the battlefield …. f..k them all right up, top down, bottom up, him, Boudanov, Sirsky, Rada, their media, the officer corp, conscripts, police, anyone who has been involved, even the psycho brainwashed civilians, I care not, they’re all scum who engage in this, every last one of them, slow, painfully, good lord if it were me I’d concoct the most heinous slow acting poison and have it administered to them, something for which there is no antidote.. let them know they are going to be hunted, let them spend the rest of their lives sphincters twitching and sweating, never knowing who, when… good grief how as a nation you’ve been so patient is beyond me… gloves off I say. Kia Kaha from New Zealand
Always remember every terrorist attack, murder, and massacre is a US/UK event via proxy. The Ukies are just the tool, the persons operating the tools are in London, DC, and Brussels.
Fully concur, hence my comment at the bottom about sending squads out, something I’ve written about previously, albeit more explicitly stating they need to target the Western Warmonger decision makers, the CIA, their SAC/SOG operatives, the rabid MI6 bum chums of the CIA, and any other cowardly shithead hiding behind Elinskyys, Podolyak, Kuleba, Budanov and Valerii Fedorovych Zaluzhnyi’s panties…
If such a hit squad was good enough for the Western Sponsored Zionist post WW2, the same is eminently good enough for the Russian Federation, this is a battle good vs evil, Russia must, needs do everything to win and importantly to send the message such abuse will not be tolerated...period, true deterrence.
Further, let the West know no more security guarantees as I’ve written their incessant travel to that shithole Kiev, intelligence couriers in tow, funny how after near every visit, the Ukes unleash some sort of Terrorist, Storm Shadow, ATACM strike… end that nonsense, send Oroshnik into that War Zone the next time any of the liars visit, sick of them taking advantage Russias goodwill, it’s a hot kinetic Zone afterall…. safe guaranteed passage be f..ked, contrast their wilful assassinations in Moscow!
I sent you a couple of Questions for your upcoming Q and A… most of all I want Russian Leadership to let know the blowhard Trump, his obnoxious and Warhawk conflict mongers to know the reality, resulting the on the ground outcomes, enough already of the Western Sponsored Uke propaganda and lies exposed that cross dressing pervert Nazi Bastard, Elinskyy, he who made illegal the use of the letter “Z”, guess spelling his pox ridden name isn’t nor ever was his strongest suit, turd…. Russia needs to engage with P.R wordsmiths who u def stand implicitly the language and can write effective P.R to counter the Western lie addled filth… truly over it. Take them on at their own game, to do that you need a team who think like they do, can write and thus cancel their propaganda…
Throw a cauldron around Davos, WEF, Atlantic Council, US Congress, Pentagon, Bank of England, IMF, Bullingdon Club, Harvard, Yale, OXBRIDGE, World Bank, WHITEHALL, Westminster, LANGLEY, BLACKROCK, OTHERS/Associated Felons & Crime Families like Clinton & Bush, much like is happening in Pokrovsk
It reminds me of the time many years ago of how I felt while & after watching the Russian film - Come & See which in comparison to the Hollywood equivalent was an extreme lesson in the reality of that war. Same vermin; different century sponsored by the likewise morally bankrupt vermin who run the country of my birth.
Being Russian realism - PTSD for kids. My Grandfather's experiences while fighting in Burma if portrayed in a similar way would result in a variation of that horror eg his friend failed to return from guard duty - he found him decapitated. It turned out that it was due to how he lazily tied his bootlaces which happened to match the crossways method used by the Japanese, as opposed to the straight across used by the British. A Gurkha who remained anonymous had crawled up to him through the undergrowth, checked his laces before taking off his head with his kukri.
I never met my Grandad he left for Australia a broken man before I was born who later died of alcoholism in his 50's & I have his service medals for the whole 6 years for North Africa, Italy & Burma plus the notes my Dad made about his Dad's experiences which were not of the stuff that is portrayed in the vast majority of war films.
There were 2 films that he saw as being realistic portrayals being Kubrick's The Hill with the other being The Long & the Short and the Tall. A Hollywood film featuring Erroll Flynn showing US forces single handedly taking Burma, led to riots in cinemas from British soldiers who were actually there.
Fucking makes my blood boil what the Western Globalist Oligarchs are doing to the Civilians via their Brainwashed useful Idiots. I hope Russia makes no concession until the Ukro Nazi State is DE Nazified and Demilitarised.
I will share these war crimes for brain washed idiots to see what's being done in their names. With their taxes, I've known of many of these crimes since Mariupol, it was Patrick Lancaster who made many aware then. As many as possible need to now.
Amen. This is our goal, to reach westerners.
Nuke the lot of them, these people are repugnant, the epitome of evil, recall the events 1943-55/56 by the same Nazi bastards, then in spasmodic events since, followed up their wet dream killing civilians in the Donbas, the incessant shelling, missiles, MLRS, ATACMS, the terrorist attacks at Crocus, Bucha, Odessa The Trade Union Hall fire murders, laughing at those trying to escape, evil is evil, either nuke the lot of them, no mercy, end this filth, this evil or establish a squad to mete out the right justice, hunt them all wherever on the planet they might run to, the worst of it is having to be verbally assaulted by that cross dressing pervert, drug addled illegitimate leader of that shithole Ukraine, from the other shit hole Kiev, listening to him waffle, projecting his and his filth’s criminal behaviour onto Russia, and I haven’t even started on the Russian soldiers his scum have done the most despicable things to on the battlefield …. f..k them all right up, top down, bottom up, him, Boudanov, Sirsky, Rada, their media, the officer corp, conscripts, police, anyone who has been involved, even the psycho brainwashed civilians, I care not, they’re all scum who engage in this, every last one of them, slow, painfully, good lord if it were me I’d concoct the most heinous slow acting poison and have it administered to them, something for which there is no antidote.. let them know they are going to be hunted, let them spend the rest of their lives sphincters twitching and sweating, never knowing who, when… good grief how as a nation you’ve been so patient is beyond me… gloves off I say. Kia Kaha from New Zealand
Always remember every terrorist attack, murder, and massacre is a US/UK event via proxy. The Ukies are just the tool, the persons operating the tools are in London, DC, and Brussels.
Fully concur, hence my comment at the bottom about sending squads out, something I’ve written about previously, albeit more explicitly stating they need to target the Western Warmonger decision makers, the CIA, their SAC/SOG operatives, the rabid MI6 bum chums of the CIA, and any other cowardly shithead hiding behind Elinskyys, Podolyak, Kuleba, Budanov and Valerii Fedorovych Zaluzhnyi’s panties…
If such a hit squad was good enough for the Western Sponsored Zionist post WW2, the same is eminently good enough for the Russian Federation, this is a battle good vs evil, Russia must, needs do everything to win and importantly to send the message such abuse will not be tolerated...period, true deterrence.
Further, let the West know no more security guarantees as I’ve written their incessant travel to that shithole Kiev, intelligence couriers in tow, funny how after near every visit, the Ukes unleash some sort of Terrorist, Storm Shadow, ATACM strike… end that nonsense, send Oroshnik into that War Zone the next time any of the liars visit, sick of them taking advantage Russias goodwill, it’s a hot kinetic Zone afterall…. safe guaranteed passage be f..ked, contrast their wilful assassinations in Moscow!
I sent you a couple of Questions for your upcoming Q and A… most of all I want Russian Leadership to let know the blowhard Trump, his obnoxious and Warhawk conflict mongers to know the reality, resulting the on the ground outcomes, enough already of the Western Sponsored Uke propaganda and lies exposed that cross dressing pervert Nazi Bastard, Elinskyy, he who made illegal the use of the letter “Z”, guess spelling his pox ridden name isn’t nor ever was his strongest suit, turd…. Russia needs to engage with P.R wordsmiths who u def stand implicitly the language and can write effective P.R to counter the Western lie addled filth… truly over it. Take them on at their own game, to do that you need a team who think like they do, can write and thus cancel their propaganda…
Throw a cauldron around Davos, WEF, Atlantic Council, US Congress, Pentagon, Bank of England, IMF, Bullingdon Club, Harvard, Yale, OXBRIDGE, World Bank, WHITEHALL, Westminster, LANGLEY, BLACKROCK, OTHERS/Associated Felons & Crime Families like Clinton & Bush, much like is happening in Pokrovsk
It reminds me of the time many years ago of how I felt while & after watching the Russian film - Come & See which in comparison to the Hollywood equivalent was an extreme lesson in the reality of that war. Same vermin; different century sponsored by the likewise morally bankrupt vermin who run the country of my birth.
Jelena mentioned your comment in our stream today!
Come and see is horrific. A few years ago i tried watching it again as it had been released on blu-ray, i had to switch it off before the movie ended.
Being Russian realism - PTSD for kids. My Grandfather's experiences while fighting in Burma if portrayed in a similar way would result in a variation of that horror eg his friend failed to return from guard duty - he found him decapitated. It turned out that it was due to how he lazily tied his bootlaces which happened to match the crossways method used by the Japanese, as opposed to the straight across used by the British. A Gurkha who remained anonymous had crawled up to him through the undergrowth, checked his laces before taking off his head with his kukri.
I never met my Grandad he left for Australia a broken man before I was born who later died of alcoholism in his 50's & I have his service medals for the whole 6 years for North Africa, Italy & Burma plus the notes my Dad made about his Dad's experiences which were not of the stuff that is portrayed in the vast majority of war films.
There were 2 films that he saw as being realistic portrayals being Kubrick's The Hill with the other being The Long & the Short and the Tall. A Hollywood film featuring Erroll Flynn showing US forces single handedly taking Burma, led to riots in cinemas from British soldiers who were actually there.
Thank you.
This is what NATO and its Ukrainian buttboi do.
What does Russia propose to do about it? Russian indecision and dithering just get more people killed.