Ukrainians are shit. Zelensky's fkn wife drives a Bugatti, for FS! FKN COKE FREAKS & NAZIs. I say sow Ukraine with salt, like Carthage, except for the food bowl bit, which Russia should keep!
So sad the Ukrainian’s, long with a reputation for being simpleton’s, in other words of being literally thick, gullible, dummies, bereft of any ability to actually think for themselves, of being easily led, have actually proven unequivocally during this conflict that such sentiments are in fact true.
One need only listen to the cross dressing Nazi asshole with his predilection for wearing green T shirts, he who made illegal and unlawful the use of the letter “Z”, go figure, I mean it’s not as if his surname is Smith, nope.. now he is simply Elinskyy 😂😂😂 no “Z” for him, not by his own now lawful mandate … seriously you do have to laugh, anyways back to that Nazi cretin Elynskyy, when you listen to the drivel he utters, words his populace seem to hang onto as uttered from the cross dressing coke and substance imbued fool, the very same being repeated as if gospel, as if etched on stone tablets has been his every word…
Seriously I would not have believed it, save for the SMO these past near 3 years… but alas the events and experiences of the SMO have proven that what was said in jest is in fact no joke but reality for the Ukes…
I have written previously that so enamoured are Ukes especially those domiciled Kyiev and that other bastion of Nazism, West Ukraine the stomping ground of the Bandera accolytes centred as they are Lvov, that I once debated with a colleague that he was wrong and erred predicate his disclosures made, that anyone let alone a populace could be as bad as he advised anecdotally they were… nope, adamant he was that again.. literally if Ukes were told as they watched their goggle box (T.V) .. if they were told that by taking themselves to the middle of a busy motorway or multi lane road during evening rush/peak hour traffic, dropped their daks, then having dropped said daks, proceeded to shitzen in the middle of said road, motorway that by doing so, they would all have waiting for them when they returned home USD$1,000.00 … further, that you would not be surprised to virtually then see during the next evening’s rush hour… tens of if not hundreds of thousands of Ukes, daks around their ankles squatting as they defecate and empty their bowels as prescribed… well, I can tell you the suggestion was so ridiculous that the mirth it created was off of the scales, we laughed uproariously whilst our colleague stuck to his position saying such would be proven to be true, that Ukes really are so gullible… believing any nonsense they’re fed… that in fact they’d actually upon returning home to find no monies would complain to the prosecutor generals office in order to have whoever they deem has welched upon them by not paying the promised sum… arrested and charged…. 😂😂😂 seriously… they would be baying pitch forks and all for blood… 😂😂😂, for recompense and retribution..
Well having witnessed so much during the SMO, having heard so many lies, read of so many instances of abuse, witnessed and read so much including of the many abuses committed by Ukes that they have posted and recorded upon Soc Media, nothing now would surprise me… Ukes have demonstrated beyond doubt just how thick and stupid they really are…
We need only look at the machinations of what now constitutes the State administrative apparatus in that Nazi shit hole to realise that these people really are stupid, almost to being moronic, as they blindly follow Elinskyy, Podolyak, Sirsky, Budanov, their mad Rada representatives et al literally over the proverbial cliff.
Not for them rising up and against these tyrants, despite the wretched sight of so many dead, believing Elinskyy when he states they’ve lost a mere “30,000 dead” 😂😂😂 good lord ask yourself, they actually believe him, what does that tell you, meanwhile men are press ganged into service, right before the very citizens who believe the death figures given them, I say work that out….square that circle… how could anyone on the one hand witness press gangs in operation kidnapping their conscripts, then accept Elinskyy’s lies of death toll resulting the War? You simply cannot unless your stupid… case closed.
The amount of bull shitzen they, Ukes swallow, that we then see repeated ad nauseum on social media is proof absolute of how gullible they are… such Ukes deserving therefore of all they get, of every hardship, loss of services, rail, power, water, sewage, etc…meted out to them.
I hope every single one of these AFU Nazi rapists, sodomists, murderers and especially those who have gleefully participated in the very worst excesses perpetrated by them and their NAZI Bandera mates, all crimes against humanity, the myriad crimes they have committed against Russian Soldiers and also the crimes we know of that have been committed against Ukrainian civilians who refused to leave their homes as they awaited being freed from tyranny by Russian forces for the U.S of war crimes are all identified, caught, held to account and sentenced accordingly… to many innocents suffering at the hands of these deluded individuals for my likings.. better still, upon conclusion the SMO, the only appropriate and just sentence deserved of those transgressors will be received by them including Elinskyy and his equally deluded wife… the 3 W’s comprised of When, Where, Why… unknown to them, the perpetrators of such wrongdoings will fall upon them, as it ought to be, catching up with them all, every single one of them, karma, so deserving it will be…. just saying ..
The neo-nazism in Ukrainian has been nurtured by Brits and Americans, with the eager support from jews. See numerous Nazi memorials in Canada and the US. Not a peep from shoah-business.
The 2014 coup was run by zionists in a tight collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi party “Svoboda.” Kolomojsky, a prez of the Jewish community of Ukraine and founder of four Nazi battalions (including the swastika-covered azovites, the darlings of Israelis and aipac) wanted to protect his property in Donbas by any means. He also funded the “churchillian penist’s” election campaign.
What kind of mental defect has turned followers of Stephan Bandera into the most obedient tool of zionists?
Remember, the perjorative term to describe we non Zionists, as we are referred unto as has been noted the odious and clearly insane father and principal ideologue of modern Zionism Theodor Herzl, father of Zionism who references us all as goyim, to be dealt with at theirs, Zionists pleasure once our usefulness for elevating Zionism to its coveted pinnacle is achieved.
Recall the numbers of Nazis and Nat Socialists from that dark European fascist era of the 1920’s through 1945 scattered throughout the world, my contention is that many of them from throughout Europe who bought into and promulgated that filth have found their way to modern Israel, the quintessential middle finger to humanity.
Further the earlier Balfour declaration of the early part of the twentieth century commensurate the lobbying of the British Government that resulted in their, Britain ceding the land of Palestine to the Zionists was the backup plan for the fascists should what had long been planned and gestated by way of provisioning a backup bolthole, whilst securing a bridgehead in a land identified as possessing much of the recently discovered oil fuelling the industrial growth and renaissance of the day.
The fascists and early Zionists knew of the carnage and destabilisation they were to unleash in Europe and that should their plans fail, go wrong, these psychopaths always having backup plans, fail safes to ensure their survival, contrived of the Balfour declaration to provide them eventually with their own State, inclusive all of the privileges and security of a Nation State, think the present protection of pedophiles, sexual deviants and criminal behaviours made safe by arrival in Israel, hence knowing of the pending disaster they were to unleash via the Nazi agenda just as they pre planned the COVID scamdemic, each of the other conflicts that has assailed and assaulted the globe the past half century, another major reason, the creation of the modern State of Israel became paramount.
Indeed it seems that most of modern Israel is populated today by non indigenous people of true Jewish, Judean or “Semite” heritage that is able to be proven unequivocally by their DNA… It is for this reason it is unlawful in Israel to test for Jewish DNA, the Euro centric Zionists indulging Nazism, occupying Israel today on no account will tolerate nor are desirous of ever having unearthed unequivocal proof via DNA testing that they are not as claimed the ancient descendants of the original inhabitants, they cannot have this exposed to the real world, exposure of the fraud they have perpetrated in acquiring falsely a land claimed as it was, via the appropriation of an ancient history and historical account of the true heritage of many actual Jewish semites.
Even worse than the blasphemy of appropriating by the Zionists an ancient indigenous peoples heritage, melding it as they have, again cynically with people of ancient and true Jewish heritage, has resulted in what constitutes modern Israel today, yet the cynical and truly repugnant appropriation of the experience of genocide that many Zionists it has been proven, supported and enabled to be committed against the true Semite’s, those whose ancestry hailed from Israel, but who when the tribes of Jacob were scattered found themselves in Europe, practicing as they did, their Jewish faith and religion, that Zionists have mis-appropriated this historical account, wielding it like the zealots they are to diffuse and neutralise all arguments, critique and criticism of modern Zionism's truly rancid and turgid behaviours is reprehensible.
The positive in all of this is that many around the globe, including true adherents of Jewish ancestry, together even including some Zionists themselves not so imbued with the ideology are becoming aware, their sense of reality and actuality enhanced because of the actions ongoing by these sociopathic genocidal sodomists, rapists and terrorists hailing from that out of whack, out of control so called nation state.
The only satisfaction anyone can derive from such is that these fools, the ardent modern Zionists have done it to themselves, they have been responsible via their actions for this heightened awareness threatening the success long gestated by the present generations forebears to create the circumstances enabling their future generations to continue residing under the radar, in the shadows.
Thankfully that security has evaporated… the days of this failed experiment and theft of a land, the attempted destruction of a an entire race of ancient peoples, the Palestinians has all but failed… frauds is what modern Zionism represents is what they are, have been and no better exemplified by our supreme authority God himself who so described an earlier iteration, the Nicolaitaines comprised of that group of people who upon being forced into exile to flee because of their worship of evil, the ancient lands, who on their journey, stopped in Asia Minor (Türkiye) whilst there they destroyed the seven churches situated and established in Asia Minor, fraudulently passing themselves off as Jews, becoming ingrained into the Jewish and Christian society and communities which had established themselves around and created the seven churches, thus, in the process because of the on going surreptitious worship of evil they perpetuated during their time residing amongst those communities ultimately destroyed the seven churches, God actually stating his disdain and “hatred” for them…
From there they ended up in Khazaria, modern Ukraine and places in between scattered throughout the Caucasus’s, Balkans as they ventured from Türkiye both sides of the Blacksea, the very worst of these peoples eventually relocated and settling, after being given the heave ho out of Khazaria, exiled again for the same behaviours that had caused their ousting from the ancient lands, from Asia Minor, thus ending up in Poland, Austria, Germany, the U.K, the U.S, a small remnant of those who were able to live below the radar and were not as overt as their compatriots remained in Khazaria, however the majority were forced into exile from Khazaria, this group exiled from Khazaria, comprised mainly of nobility and the wealthy families comprised this group of reprobates and psycho’s who were known as they were to overtly worship evil, the main reason for their ouster, exile, their worship of evil becoming more overt as their wealth and influence grew, just as in these present times we witness behaviours antithetical to societal norms being overtly displayed and pushed upon us, the same no longer in their view, those who practice the same, needing to be or in those who indulge the same to remain hidden, such is now the confidence of the adherents, however, for those who at the time remained in Khazaria comprised the not so wealthy, powerful, or perhaps they were just smarter, who remained practicing their beliefs in the shadows..
Consequently it comes as no surprise to understand the why, by who, as to the machinations we see occasioning across so many metrics impacting our lives presently… just saying.
I don't want to say anhthing negative here...... My heart is with these beloved fellow people. Lets hope that the presence of the low lives with lost minds sooner or later will realize what they really did.
Ukrainians are shit. Zelensky's fkn wife drives a Bugatti, for FS! FKN COKE FREAKS & NAZIs. I say sow Ukraine with salt, like Carthage, except for the food bowl bit, which Russia should keep!
There is no daylight between zionists and banderites, and both groups serve to the same master.
So sad the Ukrainian’s, long with a reputation for being simpleton’s, in other words of being literally thick, gullible, dummies, bereft of any ability to actually think for themselves, of being easily led, have actually proven unequivocally during this conflict that such sentiments are in fact true.
One need only listen to the cross dressing Nazi asshole with his predilection for wearing green T shirts, he who made illegal and unlawful the use of the letter “Z”, go figure, I mean it’s not as if his surname is Smith, nope.. now he is simply Elinskyy 😂😂😂 no “Z” for him, not by his own now lawful mandate … seriously you do have to laugh, anyways back to that Nazi cretin Elynskyy, when you listen to the drivel he utters, words his populace seem to hang onto as uttered from the cross dressing coke and substance imbued fool, the very same being repeated as if gospel, as if etched on stone tablets has been his every word…
Seriously I would not have believed it, save for the SMO these past near 3 years… but alas the events and experiences of the SMO have proven that what was said in jest is in fact no joke but reality for the Ukes…
I have written previously that so enamoured are Ukes especially those domiciled Kyiev and that other bastion of Nazism, West Ukraine the stomping ground of the Bandera accolytes centred as they are Lvov, that I once debated with a colleague that he was wrong and erred predicate his disclosures made, that anyone let alone a populace could be as bad as he advised anecdotally they were… nope, adamant he was that again.. literally if Ukes were told as they watched their goggle box (T.V) .. if they were told that by taking themselves to the middle of a busy motorway or multi lane road during evening rush/peak hour traffic, dropped their daks, then having dropped said daks, proceeded to shitzen in the middle of said road, motorway that by doing so, they would all have waiting for them when they returned home USD$1,000.00 … further, that you would not be surprised to virtually then see during the next evening’s rush hour… tens of if not hundreds of thousands of Ukes, daks around their ankles squatting as they defecate and empty their bowels as prescribed… well, I can tell you the suggestion was so ridiculous that the mirth it created was off of the scales, we laughed uproariously whilst our colleague stuck to his position saying such would be proven to be true, that Ukes really are so gullible… believing any nonsense they’re fed… that in fact they’d actually upon returning home to find no monies would complain to the prosecutor generals office in order to have whoever they deem has welched upon them by not paying the promised sum… arrested and charged…. 😂😂😂 seriously… they would be baying pitch forks and all for blood… 😂😂😂, for recompense and retribution..
Well having witnessed so much during the SMO, having heard so many lies, read of so many instances of abuse, witnessed and read so much including of the many abuses committed by Ukes that they have posted and recorded upon Soc Media, nothing now would surprise me… Ukes have demonstrated beyond doubt just how thick and stupid they really are…
We need only look at the machinations of what now constitutes the State administrative apparatus in that Nazi shit hole to realise that these people really are stupid, almost to being moronic, as they blindly follow Elinskyy, Podolyak, Sirsky, Budanov, their mad Rada representatives et al literally over the proverbial cliff.
Not for them rising up and against these tyrants, despite the wretched sight of so many dead, believing Elinskyy when he states they’ve lost a mere “30,000 dead” 😂😂😂 good lord ask yourself, they actually believe him, what does that tell you, meanwhile men are press ganged into service, right before the very citizens who believe the death figures given them, I say work that out….square that circle… how could anyone on the one hand witness press gangs in operation kidnapping their conscripts, then accept Elinskyy’s lies of death toll resulting the War? You simply cannot unless your stupid… case closed.
The amount of bull shitzen they, Ukes swallow, that we then see repeated ad nauseum on social media is proof absolute of how gullible they are… such Ukes deserving therefore of all they get, of every hardship, loss of services, rail, power, water, sewage, etc…meted out to them.
I hope every single one of these AFU Nazi rapists, sodomists, murderers and especially those who have gleefully participated in the very worst excesses perpetrated by them and their NAZI Bandera mates, all crimes against humanity, the myriad crimes they have committed against Russian Soldiers and also the crimes we know of that have been committed against Ukrainian civilians who refused to leave their homes as they awaited being freed from tyranny by Russian forces for the U.S of war crimes are all identified, caught, held to account and sentenced accordingly… to many innocents suffering at the hands of these deluded individuals for my likings.. better still, upon conclusion the SMO, the only appropriate and just sentence deserved of those transgressors will be received by them including Elinskyy and his equally deluded wife… the 3 W’s comprised of When, Where, Why… unknown to them, the perpetrators of such wrongdoings will fall upon them, as it ought to be, catching up with them all, every single one of them, karma, so deserving it will be…. just saying ..
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
The neo-nazism in Ukrainian has been nurtured by Brits and Americans, with the eager support from jews. See numerous Nazi memorials in Canada and the US. Not a peep from shoah-business.
The 2014 coup was run by zionists in a tight collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi party “Svoboda.” Kolomojsky, a prez of the Jewish community of Ukraine and founder of four Nazi battalions (including the swastika-covered azovites, the darlings of Israelis and aipac) wanted to protect his property in Donbas by any means. He also funded the “churchillian penist’s” election campaign.
What kind of mental defect has turned followers of Stephan Bandera into the most obedient tool of zionists?
Thank you for your great addition and comments…
Remember, the perjorative term to describe we non Zionists, as we are referred unto as has been noted the odious and clearly insane father and principal ideologue of modern Zionism Theodor Herzl, father of Zionism who references us all as goyim, to be dealt with at theirs, Zionists pleasure once our usefulness for elevating Zionism to its coveted pinnacle is achieved.
Recall the numbers of Nazis and Nat Socialists from that dark European fascist era of the 1920’s through 1945 scattered throughout the world, my contention is that many of them from throughout Europe who bought into and promulgated that filth have found their way to modern Israel, the quintessential middle finger to humanity.
Further the earlier Balfour declaration of the early part of the twentieth century commensurate the lobbying of the British Government that resulted in their, Britain ceding the land of Palestine to the Zionists was the backup plan for the fascists should what had long been planned and gestated by way of provisioning a backup bolthole, whilst securing a bridgehead in a land identified as possessing much of the recently discovered oil fuelling the industrial growth and renaissance of the day.
The fascists and early Zionists knew of the carnage and destabilisation they were to unleash in Europe and that should their plans fail, go wrong, these psychopaths always having backup plans, fail safes to ensure their survival, contrived of the Balfour declaration to provide them eventually with their own State, inclusive all of the privileges and security of a Nation State, think the present protection of pedophiles, sexual deviants and criminal behaviours made safe by arrival in Israel, hence knowing of the pending disaster they were to unleash via the Nazi agenda just as they pre planned the COVID scamdemic, each of the other conflicts that has assailed and assaulted the globe the past half century, another major reason, the creation of the modern State of Israel became paramount.
Indeed it seems that most of modern Israel is populated today by non indigenous people of true Jewish, Judean or “Semite” heritage that is able to be proven unequivocally by their DNA… It is for this reason it is unlawful in Israel to test for Jewish DNA, the Euro centric Zionists indulging Nazism, occupying Israel today on no account will tolerate nor are desirous of ever having unearthed unequivocal proof via DNA testing that they are not as claimed the ancient descendants of the original inhabitants, they cannot have this exposed to the real world, exposure of the fraud they have perpetrated in acquiring falsely a land claimed as it was, via the appropriation of an ancient history and historical account of the true heritage of many actual Jewish semites.
Even worse than the blasphemy of appropriating by the Zionists an ancient indigenous peoples heritage, melding it as they have, again cynically with people of ancient and true Jewish heritage, has resulted in what constitutes modern Israel today, yet the cynical and truly repugnant appropriation of the experience of genocide that many Zionists it has been proven, supported and enabled to be committed against the true Semite’s, those whose ancestry hailed from Israel, but who when the tribes of Jacob were scattered found themselves in Europe, practicing as they did, their Jewish faith and religion, that Zionists have mis-appropriated this historical account, wielding it like the zealots they are to diffuse and neutralise all arguments, critique and criticism of modern Zionism's truly rancid and turgid behaviours is reprehensible.
The positive in all of this is that many around the globe, including true adherents of Jewish ancestry, together even including some Zionists themselves not so imbued with the ideology are becoming aware, their sense of reality and actuality enhanced because of the actions ongoing by these sociopathic genocidal sodomists, rapists and terrorists hailing from that out of whack, out of control so called nation state.
The only satisfaction anyone can derive from such is that these fools, the ardent modern Zionists have done it to themselves, they have been responsible via their actions for this heightened awareness threatening the success long gestated by the present generations forebears to create the circumstances enabling their future generations to continue residing under the radar, in the shadows.
Thankfully that security has evaporated… the days of this failed experiment and theft of a land, the attempted destruction of a an entire race of ancient peoples, the Palestinians has all but failed… frauds is what modern Zionism represents is what they are, have been and no better exemplified by our supreme authority God himself who so described an earlier iteration, the Nicolaitaines comprised of that group of people who upon being forced into exile to flee because of their worship of evil, the ancient lands, who on their journey, stopped in Asia Minor (Türkiye) whilst there they destroyed the seven churches situated and established in Asia Minor, fraudulently passing themselves off as Jews, becoming ingrained into the Jewish and Christian society and communities which had established themselves around and created the seven churches, thus, in the process because of the on going surreptitious worship of evil they perpetuated during their time residing amongst those communities ultimately destroyed the seven churches, God actually stating his disdain and “hatred” for them…
From there they ended up in Khazaria, modern Ukraine and places in between scattered throughout the Caucasus’s, Balkans as they ventured from Türkiye both sides of the Blacksea, the very worst of these peoples eventually relocated and settling, after being given the heave ho out of Khazaria, exiled again for the same behaviours that had caused their ousting from the ancient lands, from Asia Minor, thus ending up in Poland, Austria, Germany, the U.K, the U.S, a small remnant of those who were able to live below the radar and were not as overt as their compatriots remained in Khazaria, however the majority were forced into exile from Khazaria, this group exiled from Khazaria, comprised mainly of nobility and the wealthy families comprised this group of reprobates and psycho’s who were known as they were to overtly worship evil, the main reason for their ouster, exile, their worship of evil becoming more overt as their wealth and influence grew, just as in these present times we witness behaviours antithetical to societal norms being overtly displayed and pushed upon us, the same no longer in their view, those who practice the same, needing to be or in those who indulge the same to remain hidden, such is now the confidence of the adherents, however, for those who at the time remained in Khazaria comprised the not so wealthy, powerful, or perhaps they were just smarter, who remained practicing their beliefs in the shadows..
Consequently it comes as no surprise to understand the why, by who, as to the machinations we see occasioning across so many metrics impacting our lives presently… just saying.
Kia Kaha from New Zealand
I don't want to say anhthing negative here...... My heart is with these beloved fellow people. Lets hope that the presence of the low lives with lost minds sooner or later will realize what they really did.